Generator & AC Power Upgrades
This project entailed removing an existing 600 kW generator from the interior of the facility, as well as its 2,000 gallon fuel tank, day tank, the associated fuel piping and concrete foundation, and installing a new Caterpillar 1,000 kW generator and belly tank on the exterior of the facility.
Before the generator was disconnected, an 800kW temporary generator was installed and tied into the existing BAS system for a two month period to allow the installation of the new Caterpillar 1,000 kW packaged generator and 6,000 gallon belly tank on the exterior of the facility. A new underground electrical duct bank and interior overhead conduits were installed to tie-in the new generator to the existing electrical distribution system via the Manual Transfer Switch. The new 1,000 kW generator was tested and 100% commissioned prior to removing the 800kW temporary standby generator. Selective interior demolition was performed to expand the existing Electrical Room into the old Generator Room. The existing wet mist fire suppression system was removed and replaced with an FM-200 clean agent zone to accommodate the expanded Electrical Room.
Exterior improvements included a new heavy duty concrete parking area with new drainage piping, catch basins, two (2) 5,000 gallon oil/water separators, and new paved asphalt entryway to allow for ten additional portable equipment parking spaces. Existing site security fence was also expanded to encompass the new generator and heavy duty parking.
Taunton, MA
2.5 Months
$1.6 Million